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      Título : The Impact of Stress and the Working Environment on Job Satisfaction and Decision Making among Women Entrepreneurs in Mexico
      Autor(es): JOSE MELCHOR MEDINA QUINTERO;217877
      Palabras clave : Women en Trepreneurs;Stress;Working Environment;Decision Making;Job Satisfaction
      Fecha de publicación : 1-mar-2013
      Resumen: The world is changing and these changes have deeply affected the status of women as entrepreneurs; women’s working force is growing by the day along with their entrepreneurship, forcing women to find a balance between their jobs and their personal lives. This research analyses the degree of the impact of stress and the working environment on women entrepreneurs’ efficient decision-making and job satisfaction. An empirical investigation is carry out in four states in the Mexican Republic. It is using multiple regression analyses in SPSS. Results show that working environment impacts positively on women entrepreneurs’ efficient decision-making. This means that by having a good working environment, women entrepreneurs are able to have good relationships with workers in order to face decision.
      metadata.dc.source: International Journal of Business and Social Research, (2164-2540) vol.3 (2013)
      URI : http://riuat.uat.edu.mx/handle/123456789/1389
      Tipo : Artículo
      Tipo de acceso: Acceso Abierto
      Licencias: BY NC ND
      Audiencia: Público en general
      Áreas de conocimiento: CIENCIAS SOCIALES [5]
      Citación : Medina, J. M., De la Garza, I., & Cheín, N. (2013). The Impact of Stress and the Working Environment on Job Satisfaction and Decision-Making among Women Entrepreneurs in Mexico. International Journal of Business and Social Research, 3(3), 164-173.
      URL relacionada: http://thejournalofbusiness.org/index.php/site/article/view/66/65
      Aparece en las colecciones: Documentación Cientifica

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